A Public Library was not a public library. From January through December 2015, A Public Library was located at the Bona-Peiser-Bibliothek in Berlin Kreuzberg. It was a space for conversations, presentations, the sharing of resources, and for collective reading, viewing, and learning. It hosted an ephemeral collection of publications and other materials, which provided a foundation for, and expanded along with, a series of public programs, workshops, and classes organized in conjunction with The Public School Berlin as well as other collaborators. Special thanks to the Fachbereich Bibliotheken Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg for their support.
A Public Library was organized by Fiona Geuß, Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga and Caleb Waldorf.
A Public Library war keine öffentliche Bibliothek. Zwischen Januar und Dezember 2015 befand sich A Public Library in der Bona-Peiser-Bibliothek in Berlin Kreuzberg. Es war ein Raum für Gespräche, Präsentationen, das Teilen von Ressourcen und für gemeinsames Lesen, Anschauen und Lernen. Eine ephemere Sammlung von Publikationen und Materialien bildete die Grundlage für eine Reihe von Veranstaltungen, Workshops und Seminaren in Zusammenarbeit mit The Public School Berlin und anderen Initiativen. Vielen Dank an den Fachbereich Bibliotheken Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg für die Unterstützung.
A Public Library wurde organisiert von Fiona Geuß, Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga und Caleb Waldorf.
Program 2015
A Public Library at the Bona-Peiser-Bibliothek
Starting in January 2015, A Public Library will be hosted at the Bona-Peiser-Bibliothek in Berlin Kreuzberg.
Find out more »The Public School Berlin
Starting in February 2015, The Public School Berlin is hosted by A Public Library at Bona-Peiser-Bibliothek, with classes taking place on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons.
Find out more »Bureau for Book Liberation: Book Remixing #01
The Bureau for Book Liberation: Book Remixing #01 is the first in a series of workshops for designing and making new types of hybrid books.
Find out more »zum Mitnehmen
Was haben Bertold Brecht, ein Taschenbuch der Chemie und die “schönsten deutschen Volkslieder” gemeinsam?
Find out more »Public Editing Session #01: Mehr Geld II oder Kein Geld mit Ralph & Stefan Heidenreich
Ralph und Stefan Heidenreich laden zu einer öffentlichen finalen Korrektur ihres neuen Buches ein.
Find out more »Cosmic Tones for Mental Therapy: Meeting 1
The class will discuss a selection of screenings and texts about Sun Ra and Afrofuturism.
Find out more »Philosophie zum Mitnehmen
Beim zweiten Treffen von „zum Mitnehmen“ lesen wir aus Büchern des „zum Mitnehmen“ Regals der Bona-Peiser-Bibliothek und aus Titeln der Philosophie Kategorie des aktuellen Bestands.
Find out more »Cosmic Tones for Mental Therapy: Meeting 2
The class will discuss a selection of screenings and texts about Sun Ra and Afrofuturism.
Find out more »Cosmic Tones for Mental Therapy: Meeting 3
The class will discuss a selection of screenings and texts about Sun Ra and Afrofuturism.
Find out more »Esoterik zum Mitnehmen
Beim ersten Treffen von „zum Mitnehmen“ lesen wir aus Büchern des „zum Mitnehmen“ Regals der Bona-Peiser-Bibliothek und aus Titeln der Esoterik Kategorie des aktuellen Bestands.
Find out more »Technik zum Mitnehmen
Beim dritten Treffen von „zum Mitnehmen“ lesen wir aus Büchern des „zum Mitnehmen“ Regals der Bona-Peiser-Bibliothek und aus Titeln der Technik Kategorie des aktuellen Bestands.
Find out more »Bureau for Book Liberation (#bbl)
The Bureau for Book Liberation (#bbl) looks to free publications from the confines of the bound paper codex and monopolies of distribution.
Find out more »Bureau for Book Liberation: Book Remixing #02
The Bureau for Book Liberation: Book Remixing #02 is the second in a series of workshops for designing and making new types of hybrid books.
Find out more »Das Nachbarschaftsregal
Das Nachbarschaftsregal ist ein Regal mit den beliebtesten Büchern der Nachbarn und Nachbarinnen der Bona-Peiser-Bibliothek.
Find out more »Bureau for Book Liberation: Book Remixing #03
The Bureau for Book Liberation: Book Remixing #03 is the third in a series of workshops for designing and making new types of hybrid books.
Find out more »The Future of the Book
A talk and discussion with the digital publishing pioneer Bob Stein.
Find out more »Unearthing Disaster
A screening and discussion with Angela Anderson and Angela Melitopoulos.
Find out more »Book (and Things) Remixing: The Library and Labor #bbl 4
Book Remixing #04 is the fourth in a series of workshops for designing and making new types of hybrid books.
Find out more »Readings
As part of the Lange Buchnacht in der Oranienstrasse, A Public Library hosts a series of short readings.
Find out more »Theoretical Sources of Syriza's Left Platform: Meeting 1
The class will discuss the theoretical sources of the Left Platform formation within Syriza.
Find out more »Genre-fication: Meeting 1
The Public School Berlin is holding a class called Genre-fication, triggered by an email titled Artist Organisation Discomfort - a prologue that circulated in Berlin early this year.
Find out more »Afrofuturism 2.0: A Transdisciplinary Agenda for Africa and its Diaspora
A lecture and discussion with Dr. Reynaldo Anderson.
Find out more »Theoretical Sources of Syriza's Left Platform: Meeting 2
The class will discuss the theoretical sources of the Left Platform formation within Syriza.
Find out more »becoming book, becoming animal, becoming Anthropocene
A conversation on books, beings, and other becomings with Ho Tzu Nyen, Vincent Normand, Katharina Tauer, Anna-Sophie Springer & Etienne Turpin, and the SYNAPSE International Curators' Network.
Find out more »Aufstand aus der Bibliothek
Diskussionsveranstaltung mit Karin Aleksander und Frauke Mahrt-Thomsen.
Find out more »Theoretical Sources of Syriza's Left Platform: Meeting 3
The class will discuss the theoretical sources of the Left Platform formation within Syriza.
Find out more »Theoretical Sources of Syriza's Left Platform: Meeting 4
The class will discuss the theoretical sources of the Left Platform formation within Syriza.
Find out more »Which book would you take to the square today?
Bookcamping is an online collaborative library that was initiated during the occupation of Spanish city squares on the days following the 15th of May, 2011 demonstrations.
Find out more »Library Sprint
A presentation and discussion by Martin Conrads and Franziska Morlok with participants from their 2015 seminar at the Berlin University of the Arts Visual Communication department.
Find out more »Forderungen [Demands]
A conversation on financial feudalism, self-governing intelligent objects, and a possible future without money, with Ralph and Stefan Heidenreich.
Find out more »